Distracted Renegade's booth at this years Cooper Young Festival (9/17/2012)
Every year in my home town of MEMPHIS, TN, Midtown hosts one of my absolute favorite art festivals. Beer, Music, Art, and Pronto Pups.... What more could you ask for? I meet so many amazing people every year, and am so inspired by the talent that the local Memphians have to offer. To check out my swag, click here <> to go to my online shop! If you didnt get to make it this year, mark your calendar for 9/14/2013. Its such a fun day. Over 120,000 people attended this year making it one of the best turn outs ever! Thank you to all the sponsors and orchestrators of the event. It gets better and better every year.
Want to learn more about CYF? Check out their website HERE <>
Although the day was amazingly busy, I needed some R&R almost as much as I needed a gigantic glass on vino.
I've been reading "Women Who Run With the Wolves" By Clarissa Pinkola Estes, and needless to say I have underlined just about the entire book. Its so amazing and empowering. I grabbed my copy from one of my favorite "book" websites <> for only $3! AMAZING.
My body was screaming at me from being on my feet all weekend, so I added some Epsom Salt to the steamy water. It is great for tired muscles, and also helps release yucky toxins from the body. You can find it at any box store, and it is really inexpensive. I got a carton of it at Walgreens for less than $2. Well worth the pennies for the relief! Hope everyone had as good of a weekend as I did. Cheers!
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